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sometimes i try to hum lil boss tunes and they all end up either megalovania or something from kirby

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one day ill be able to music and ill be able to make epic soundtrax for upcoming indie rpgmaker game STARCHILD now listening

what is the guitar doing when the guy is saying "hello" and is there a way to get a list of songs where the guitar does that exact thing

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but worldeaters are not traditionally high-status and also a worldeater is something that eats worlds its hard to play word games with that

alas it elides the mechanism by which the worldeater eats worlds (intelligence, ahem) owell

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and sometimes i see other odious takes along the lines of "intelligence is ill-defined so with this wordplay i wave the problem out of existence"

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see sometimes i see an odious take along the lines of "being concerned about AI killing everyone is just creating a status hierarchy where AI is at the top and people similar to popular depictions of AI (analytical, intelligent, programmers) are higher up than me"

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making a "gender test" that flips a coin to stir up some controversy

in San Francisco there was a big pool of software underground that the real San Franciscans were going to mine but then foreign raiders came, drilled up all the software, and left the people of SF in poverty bereft of their natural software resources

what’s the fancy short name when you say “A or B -> P” and from then on everyone in the world hyperfocuses on the weakest of A and B from then on

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a Schelling point for those who seek one