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your BMI = your hitpoints the bigger it is the more damage you can absorb

[meerkat dressed as Shakespeare] and I say to Sergei, “you buy one, you get one free. I said you buy one, you get one free. Simples!” [meerkat stumbles past in the background struggling to carry two windows]

lowwit: if she
midwit: there is literally no way
highwit: the odds ratio is > 1

the name “sy” from twig is short for “symping for Mary”


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guys I have some news about it

I believe - according to preliminary reports - it is coming home

I want much much longer games with worse graphics and names like “MineFactory” that are accidentally Turing complete and I’m not kidding

guy who “turns towards the camera” to share exasperation with imaginary viewers, except they’re in a Truman show so there are real viewers, except the camera is actually in a different location than the guy imagines

i am an insignificant amoeba, feel free to block me for saying this, but i've read three of your tweets and noticed some points of contention i have with your philosophy

PART 1/17: Your Lazy and Self-Serving Conflation of Multiple Senses of the Word "is"

is doing it symbolically to regain control bf is doing it because it’s immediately pleasurable xf

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a Schelling point for those who seek one