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i like the special headphone only instruments you unlock when listening to music with headphones

the problem with 8:15 to Nowhere / Great Balls of Fire is that 8:15 to Nowhere is good and Great Balls of Fire is bad but on Spotify they're inexplicably part of the same song

frostpunk isnt actually postapocalyptic its just that they went north into the arctic where its cold anyway

It’s the action economy that got me, I need to give some of them AOE weapons

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my six most powerful rimworlds were captured my medievals, back down to 3

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No metafiction will approach the long-running stickman comic series I made as a kid where they get so annoyed with the author for tormenting them that a pop-up book fist strikes you in the face when you open the page

also terrorism is just super murder. federal war terrorism I assume is very very bad

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“war” and “federal” just mean bad, eg “war crime”, “federal crime”

giving myself a chesscourt-themed username in honour of the works of Leonard Salby

two ppl with magnetic implants to give them a sixth sense shake hands and get stuck

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a Schelling point for those who seek one