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its interesting how all of my long-lasting rimworlds have chronic pain from injuries, slowly fixing that by turning them all into glittertech cyborgs

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there was only one advanced pikeman guarding the resources, took it out successfully with no injuries :)

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heading out to raid the mechanoids this is going to end horribly with 0 survivors lets goooo

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my base is looking pretty good maybe it's time to get started on the spaceship

half my colonists survived a fight with the mechanoids! not like 50% mortality rate, i mean like half of each individual. theyre all missing a few parts

The Hurtsyou effect, the effect where I hurt you. You should have probably known about this

Interstellar Cofe a game about delivering cofe under extreme duress

*waking up in a bathtub filled with ice with a surgery scar* hahah just like in rimworld

while the characters in my rimworld colony aren't shown as aware of my time travel my constant reloading of save files is just as metafictional as they are in undertale

if someone wakes u up disutilably they’ve violated your nap and u can act in self-defence

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a Schelling point for those who seek one