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salbian who learns to code to create definite wrongness minimising superintelligence

broke: dolphins are fish
woke: dolphins are mammals
bespoke: mammals are fish

typical tetra moral development
id: I want a cookie
super-ego: what if we tiled the universe in infinite cookies
id: hngh
ego: HEYthere GUYS ego here so I just calculated if there are 24 hours in day and we have to sleep for 10 hours we can play rimworld for 14 hours each day

If aliens visited earth they’d chuckle and roll their ocular organs then luminal spacestrike the chip fabs and email us some theorems about agency for us to mull over

if aliens came to earth they might be disillusioned with humanity, but hopefully intercepting our transmissions they'd recognize a few bright stars like NDT, NLRG, AOC, SSC etc.

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that's my emotional support earthbound inspired indie rpg about depression

if one breeds @pareinoia would that make one a kiwifarmer

My new more inclusive pride flag design proposal for 2022 is whatever is at the top of r/vexillologycirclejerk right now

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a Schelling point for those who seek one