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now im forever stuck on latest, which is good because thats the only one i ever use and also objectively the correct one to use (no content-selection algorithms that u can't dry-run in ur head in my social media!)

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there was like a sparkles button here right that u could press to change the timeline im viewing right

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haha wheres my button to change the timeline that im viewing between home and latest

I ask on Lesswrong "Is there a "coherent decisions imply consistent utilities"-style argument for non-lexicographic preferences?" because why do we even care about the axiom of continuity especially given it seems of much import for infinite ethics

Oh, and @microsoft: we're still waiting to hear back from you about freeing Windows 7. Now that Windows 10 is going the way of the dodo, can you put its source code on the drive we sent you?

It's a shame @QwantCom isn't open source (this is my personal opinion, not that of my employer).

Which open source search engines are out there?

Welcome to square space.

You've been making websites here for as long as you can remember.

Welcome to cybre space.

You’ve been posting here for as long as you can remember.

probably this is just something you can fix with a good enough client but for some reason i haven't seen any that show threads as well as twitter or lesswrong or whatever

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the one thing stopping the fediverse from instantly subsuming twitter is having a threading view that doesn't suck

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a Schelling point for those who seek one