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"every class which has sought to take power has prepared itself for power by an autonomous education. The first step in emancipating oneself from political and social slavery is that of freeing the mind." – Antonio Gramsci

“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”
― Antonio Gramsci (loose translation)

I'm excited to see the new world born, but very apprehensive. Not sure that we will birth it safely.

RT @jimmymalecki
@worldzonfire Why does Forestry Corp. get away with measly fines for illegal logging yet people protecting our public native forests get heavy fines for trying to stop illegal logging?

As one would expect.
RT @JeromeAdamsMD
“Stopping asymptomatic screening of hospitalized patients was associated with significant increases in hospital-onset SARS-CoV-2 infections,” 👇🏽

SARS-CoV-2 surged in hospitals after end of universal screening

RT @datepsych
I made a survey based on all of yesterday's responses to dating app deal-breakers. Please take a moment to take it and please RT for a good sample:

Ventilation, Filtration, Destruction.

Instead of people wearing crappy cloth and surgical masks as a talisman.

(Or N95's as a semi-effective but uncomfortable solution.)
RT @johnFarUV
@citlanx You can have high CO2 yet low viral load by installing Far-UV. Sterilray has both portable and mounted options. Ventilation, Filtration, Destruction. Important engineering controls that have worked for >80 yrs. New is Far-UV: does not rely on…

I like this guy
RT @JeffJacksonNC
I’ve been in Congress for 100 days.

Most of the really angry voices here are faking it.

RT @erikaheidewald
i saw a tiktok about the love is blind season 4 finale and this lady literally said “stop the CONSPIRACY THEORY that Zack is neurodivergent” and then went on to criticize him for only being able to talk about three topics & not noticing when other people want him to stop talking

Thank you @nickgraynews! Received your book ❤️. Looks fantastic (readable, fun, nicely laid out, clear steps) and I look forward to reading it.

And I'll pass it on to @zetalyrae.

If you ever need a place to crash in Sydney...
RT @chriswaterguy
@zetalyrae It's @nickgraynews – he talks about making friends and getting people together like this is a big part of it.

RT @robertwiblin
It's a shame that Twitter is both the best way to keep up with important breakthroughs in technology and the mental equivalent of doing meth.

RT @edavidds
Why were GMU economists, Reason editors, LessWrong rationalists, EAs, and VC/tech-types better, on average, at reasoning about covid & covid response than the FDA/CDC and epidemiologists?

General, careful reasoning ability is what’s really rare and precious.

RT @LizTheGM
@Ame0baRepublic @TRAExecutive Knew a schizophrenic guy some years back. He told me about hearing people's "dark whispers", letting him know what they were feeling or thinking. He then told me that my dark whispers were the only ones he never heard.

I've thought about this a lot since learning I'm autistic.

RT @JKSteinberger
After a week walking through Switzerland with (mostly) middle-aged ladies, my main conclusion is that if they committed 1/10th of their efforts avoiding plastic packaging towards getting our financial system to divest fossil fuels ... we'd have abolished fossil capitalism by now.

RT @calithameridi
@DanielleFong "economics is just the cringe version of thermodynamics"

RT @chaosprime
weird that “vaccines cause autism” is automatically considered an antivax position

where my “equally in favor of herd immunity and herd sperglordship” squad at

RT @NatlParkService
Did you know if you hold an ermine up to your ear, you can hear what it’s like to be attacked by an ermine?

RT @SophiasHotTakes
So, why isn't everyone talking about how tech executives should be banned from public restrooms and from receiving healthcare?

The path out of crushing debt starts with spiritual contentment (for this couple living 5X beyond their means for years).

"This is not a math problem. The math problem is the symptom. The problem is what's going on inside of you guys."
RT @sportynory
My bad y'all here's part 3

RT @CoughsOnWombats
I worried a lot about AI, until I realized it's kinda like this pebble I have lying in my backyard. The pebble has never done anything to hurt me, and thus AI won't either.

EDIT: I stubbed my toe. We're all gonna die.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one