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Midjourney makes more interesting and unpredictable things than Dall-E, which seems really heavily sanitized

Smart City
Happy City
Plug-In City
Garden City
Sponge City
No-stop City
Start Up City
Resilient City
Invisible City
Walkable City
Sustainable City

I like the lack of ads on here
I'm concerned about stability
I wish there was some mechanism for extending networks besides Boosts and scrolling Federated walls

i got covid and twitter is still around fffff

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its nice that activitypub is supported by feedly / seems generally interoperable with rss

It’s crazy how the fediverse, a decentralized service, works without the blockchain. Just wow how did they do it!?

post-twitter post-crypto post-pandemic vibes are great 💫

remember ello? ello should get linked into ActivityPub


a Schelling point for those who seek one