87.3% of non-US Americans can't find these on a map, but Cosmic Industries will be looking at early election results from these states:
South Georgia

THREE of these are on the EAST of the Central Time Barrier. ONE is on the WEST. Figure it out yet?

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Want to understand the way tomorrow's election will go? You need to study this map and consider its relevance to the Central Time Barrier.

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TWO things that non-US Americans may not understand:
1. Why Election Day comes right after Daylight Savings Time this year
2. The function of the Central Time Barrier in the US

Comment below if you understand the relationship.

This image is a pretty good litmus test of your probability theory: Which one of these economists inspires you with sympathy and ambition, and which one inspires you with revulsion and disgust?

The best thing about getting into CS Peirce is that you start recognizing other Peirceans because we all start making batshit meta-symbols like this:

Some Samsung exec in the smartfridge division worked 100-hour weeks trying to "do something with AI" and ended up with this.

“For what is the highly touted reason with its omnipotence, infallibility, effusiveness, certainty, and evidence? An Ens rationis , an **oil god,** to which a shrill superstition of irrationality imputes divine attributes.”

The oil god modernity manifested:

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a Schelling point for those who seek one