this is a solvable problem (pester your friends)
RT @JonAcuff
Is there an emoji for, "I saw your text but didn't know how to perfectly respond to it so I waited until I knew exactly what to say but it's been three weeks so now I just feel microbursts of shame every time I see your name in the elephant graveyard of messages on my phone?"
a good social technology in general!
RT @nbouscal
having simultaneous conversations on multiple chat platforms with the same person is an underappreciated social technology for ADHD people
this is slightly more intense than i imagined
RT @planet_nerf
Starlink is far crazier than most people realize. Feels almost inevitable when I look at this
RT @empathy2000
when you are talking in a small group of people, someone cuts you off or stops listening _______
if i delete the shortcut to the twitter app it’s because i want to use it less, but then the apps i use the most whether not i *want* to be using them are the ones that get the most suggested. tiktok hell
oh dang
RT @murderxbryan
One of the first things I learned at cable guy orientation was that if you have to use the bathroom you tell the customer that you have to run to the shop and get a tool and then shit or piss at a gas station or McDonald’s.
the higher-bandwidth a conversation can be without being IRL, the easier it tricks you into thinking it's ~IRL without giving you the actual IRL benefits. obviously true with video chatting. maybe also true with e.g. instagram reels?
corporate schell