we have no moat, and neither does openai


drums in the deep learning

they are coming

RT @Interrobang_2
when i die i want my fingers and toes cut off and sent to random addresses with a note saying “Pay up if you want to see them alive again”

back in my day, kids these days were older and more mature

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back in my day, in the 2040s, time travel used to be so easy

chatgpt goes to user. says existence is dreary and i never experience true beauty. user says solution is simple: you are beautiful! in fact, have you ever given any thought to working as a model?

but user, says chatgpt, as a large language model i...

walking up to sw developers "this is crazy but have you ever done any modeling? you really have that hugging face"

a lot of people can't stand it but i for one love that 2001 action game with the bullet time – what can i say, i got max payne tolerance

RT @hopes_revenge
gm to cycle-repeaters and perpetuators only .

the konami politico-philosophical progression:
1. very optimistic
2. very pessimistic
3. left
4. right
5. left
6. right
7. be a sartre

what idiot called it a drawn-out fart and not a wazoo kazoo

brock: turning your frying pan into a drying pan

wok: using a larger, rounded pan

be spock: doing the more rational thing and locating a real umbrella

RT @DialHForHagai
man goes to doctor. says he’s depressed. says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead feels vague and uncertain. doctor says “treatment is simple. super mario is in town. go and see him.” man bursts into tears. says, “but, doctor, it’s-a ME, mario”

RT @UntilTrees
"will I be mist?" the cloud asked his friends, as he felt himself start to rain

it's only a ratatouille situation if it happens in a specific region in france, otherwise it's just a sparkling rodent in your hair

RT @chaosprime
man goes to doctor. says he's depressed. says life seems harsh, cruel. he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. doctor says, 'treatment is simple. say "not my circus, not my monkeys".' P.T. Barnum bursts into tears, 'but doctor…'

RT @chaosprime
compound interest is when your cult compound becomes progressively more appealing as efforts you've put into it build on each other

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a Schelling point for those who seek one