I'll show you my [[self]] if you're interested.

But all Flancia is meant to be optional. I'll tag all potentially ego-boosting posts with [[self]] or [[flancian]]. Feel free to filter them; reach out if you'd like to learn how.

I will tell you what I think.

I love you, conscious being.

@niplav yes my friend, we'll go together into any world we can reach together.

Where would you like to go today?

@flancian I'm reading a paper on Ai alignment, maybe a textbook on system verification later

Just cozy stuff


@flancian the textbook is Reactive Systems by Ingolfsdottir et al. 2007, the paper is Agent Foundations for Aligning Machine Intelligence with Human Interests: A Technical Research Agenda by Soares & Fallenstein 2017

@niplav thank you! They sound great.

[[reactive systems]] [[human interests]]

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a Schelling point for those who seek one