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the moment you become an adult is when you decide that no matter what happened to you in the past, everything else that happens to you from that moment on will be your own choice, and therefore, fault
RT @qorprate
In response to a deep psychic pain, you have two choices: wait for "society" (whoever that is) to do something about it, or do something about it.

The problem with "comment 171" and "Untitled" is that they choose the former…

that being said if you have the same problems but DONT make excuses for them, fully own your shit, acknowledge you're doing bad and are actively working on it and able to show how, i'll support you endlessly and help in any way i can

but if you're wallowing, fuck you, sucks

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i've been there & worse. i'm no stranger to this. but i did it and so can you. i'm not so special that i can do something the rest of you cant. i'm just more willful.

i just cant respect someone that makes excuses for why its ok to be a human trash fire, without working on it

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i always get these same objections: i dont understand, you cant fix ADHD, this is out of their control, its problematic and patriarchical to blame people for their neurology, etc etc

this is pussy shit my guy

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you lazy-ass kids (even the over-30s, if you talk like this you're a child) want to be pat-patted on the head and be told that its OKAY that you're so dysfunctional you havent showered in 3 days and have only eaten cookies for the last 5 meals

its not ok. you're broken. fix it.

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its harder for you to focus? sucks! work harder than the other guy to learn how to do it. the extra effort will make you a better person.

you get easily overwhelmed and melt down? sucks! learn how to manage your emotions and arousal level such that you melt down less often.

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ultimately all that matters is doing it; ANYTHING else is just excuses. this is not a particularly popular perspective here in the degenerate West, and I'm pretty grateful to have been raised in a culture which doesn't tolerate this kind of idiocy (post-Soviet)

its all excuses

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nah y'all lazy and dont want to do the boring stuff. its really just that simple. don't try to make us feel sorry for your pretend problems

look, we all feel this TO SOME EXTENT. but even those of us with the SAME problems of you learn to grow up and manage this because u gotta
what people don't seem to understand about ADHD is that certain things aren't just 'boring' for us - they can be borderline painful. the mental eff…

&, laid out in such a way that acknowledges the mass shooting problem in some way (even as a WONTFIX), with context-aware exemptions made based on density (ideally), for inner cities (and the like)

@orthonormalist, @eigenrobot, @PstafarianPrice, whoever else

links are great too

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some possible answers are that its not about guns so much as cultural heterogeneity, that the US is too big, that its due to a weaponry asymmetry & if everyone was armed this wouldnt happen. maybe, idk.

i'd really love to see the positive case for gun ownership clearly laid out

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but i'm not really sure how to reconcile the abstract libertarian ideal of being able to defend yourself, your family, and your property, with the very real issues of massive gun violence in the US, on a scale larger than basically anywhere else in the world

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i do believe in the abstract right to defend yourself without having to rely entirely on the govt, i care about the delegation of certain powers and the ability to retain certain liberties

& i know there are many lifestyles other than mine for which guns are much more important

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i gotta admit that i don't really know how i feel about all this stuff; having lived in big cities all my life, i've never known someone who cares about guns or is not too anti-gun, so while I've read online about it, i've never personally heard a positive pro-gun case
RT @orthonormalist
What's that? It's the sound of my willingness to support American hegemony weakening.

outgroup bad

haha jk jk

RT @elsecaller_
what seemingly controversial opinion do you have that all your followers agree with so you can quote tweet this post for clout and spread this horrible genre of tweet made for making purposefully inflammatory and negative statements that force ppl to take sides & drive engagement

ofc, its completely different when this is consensual, & one opts into the potentially deeply-terrifying realization of how badly they had been wasting their time spinning their wheels previously; but the default path should protect those not ready to face these existential wilds

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really tho Flowers for Algernon is possibly the best case study for why granting new intelligence to the average person is deeply cruel, especially since chances are they will not be able to truly take advantage of it given their lifestyle momentum

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Please Do Not Uplift the Normies; They Are Comfortable, Happy, & Their Favorite Music Is Playing
RT @eigenrobot
policy implications for normie uplifting are left to the reader

yes this is a subtweet, no this is not an invalidation of trans women, yes I'm being less than maximally kind, no I will not stop, yes this is lightly misogynistic, no I do not actually disrespect all women

that should just about cover it I think

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men really be trying to play by women's rules and get upset that it doesn't work for them and that they're not taken seriously

you're not a woman, you're a dude
if you compare yourself to women you're asking to get treated like one (not taken seriously)

you can't have both

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a Schelling point for those who seek one