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Also finished _Elder Race_ which is a lot of fun. Seeing a wizard who sees himself as nothing more than "anthropologist Second Class, Jim" is a lot of fun. A quick read that doesn't overstay its welcome. Also 5/5

Finished _Tress of the Emerald Sea_. 5/5 and I liked it more than I expected to. I don't like "cosmere shit" usually and I don't like Sanderson's "funny" characters, but the book was engaging throughout and did everything it tried to do.

Rob Herman boosted

take me down to parallax city where the back moves slow and the front moves quickly

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Rob Herman boosted

"With AI, now any idiot can write malware!"

As a security researcher, I can assure you that idiots have been writing malware for quite some time.

Rob Herman boosted

"stroustrup" sounds like a legacy C string function that has been proven to have 3 different memory safety issues

Rob Herman boosted
Rob Herman boosted

Satya Nadella cements his entry in the CEO hall of fame by spotting OpenAI early and locking down access to its fruit for use in Office and Bing.

FTC is worried about Activision which is gaming’s past when Microsoft is locking down the future of AI.

Rob Herman boosted

type of guy who reads every "type of guy" tweet thinking "ha, at least i'm not that guy"

(this tweet brought to you by gödel's incompleteness theorem)

Rob Herman boosted

The Turing Test is obsolete because we’ve run out of questions that are both clever enough that a smart computer can’t answer them but still easy enough for a dumb human to figure out.

CAPTCHA is also obsolete. We’ve lost the arms race.

@rbairwell Civilians and anons get 404; "bluechecks" get 410. Most people currently on Mastodon should get the 404.

Rob Herman boosted

I'm radically anti-capitalist, obviously, but I don't believe that abolishing #capitalism is necessary to prevent #climate change. It's just a politically convenient soundbite that people repeat. In reality, capitalism has averted major #ecological disasters in the past (remember the ozone layer? Acid rain?), and there's no good reason to think it can't avert this one.

And it's not like progress towards solving climate change hasn't been made under capitalism.

Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc >>> Daniel Craig as Bond

Rob Herman boosted

Ope, seems we’re down a pope! We need some new ones so her you go ALL MY FOLLOWERS ARE POPES NOW AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT #HailEris #AllHailDiscordia

I also DNF'd _Empire of Silence_, at about 60%. It's less of a Dune ripoff than it seems, and less of a Name of the Wind ripoff than it seems. That's nice, and there are some interesting things going on. Unfortunately it's reeeeeally long and slow-paced and I was tending to not read rather than keep going. 2/5

Finished _The Lost Metal_. It's very good, a great climax to the arc which I think might be my favorite Sanderson arc. 5/5. My next book will of course be the new Sanderson when it drops in a couple days

Rob Herman boosted

Tonight I decided to add candy eyes to our chocolate-dipped strawberries, only to learn that when it comes to desserts there is a very, very fine line between “whimsical” and “cursed”

Rob Herman boosted

Welcome to Mastodon! It's a laid back place. But here's a few simple rules you must follow:

1. Make an account on every fediverse server and create a unique introduction post for each one.

2. Put a content warning on any post that is tangentially related to the Irish Potato Famine.

3. Always use the hashtag #icomeinpeace. Otherwise, we will assume you are hostile.

4. When browsing Mastodon, remove your socks. It is customary.

5. Tell five of your friends to join. Yes, it's a pyramid scheme.

Rob Herman boosted

“Booty call” and “butt dial” has been offered up as an example of where the literal meaning of two phrases is the same but the implied meaning is very different (denotative vs connotative meanings).

Today a coffee mug gave me another example: “dad bod” and “father figure”

#linguistics #wordplay

Rob Herman boosted

I uninstalled the Twitter app today. It’s just gotten too tedious for me between the random changes to the app and most content (including mine) being complaining about Elon Musk.

Currently planning to back to reddit for reading news and will use Mastodon for sharing ideas.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one