Rob Herman boosted

she's seen all the classics, she knows every line
the matrix, galaxyquest; first doctor was the ninth
she's glad that britney's free, never bought an .aac
her very first pc was too slow for mp3s

why do so few friends have a website?
and who's this elon guy opposed to artist copyright?
when did a bookstore become SHODAN?
whatever happened to
flip phones
flash games
(on your livejournal)

and mood boards
palm treo's tactile keyboard
she read newshounds
and sluggy
and youtube was 240p
her mutuals
in high school
they tell her that she's uncool
'cause she's still
with twenty
twenty zero five

Rob Herman boosted

Fun fact: the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer can't use a real-time operating system.

This is because it's Io bound.

I thank you.

Rob Herman boosted

If you see Buddha on the road, kill him.

If you see Zeus, put on a neutronium-armored chastity belt and then fly an extremely well-grounded kite

Rob Herman boosted

Sanderson: you should all come over, we’re gonna watch A Field So White
Jacques: [squeaking] will there be feasting?
Sanderson: we’re gonna have funeral potatoes
Martin: funeral potatoes?
Martin: oh damn that sounds metal
Sanderson: oh good golly gosh no

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Rob Herman boosted

Sanderson: I tell you don’t you know
Sanderson: that article was just so gosh darn negative
Sanderson: why, I hid to write three new books to calm myself down don’t cha know

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Rob Herman boosted
Rob Herman boosted

bro you're not scaring the hoes at all. the hoes are actually developing an unassailable confidence and ruthless clarity of purpose that i'm finding quite alarming

Rob Herman boosted


Rob Herman boosted

There is only one libertarian position on gender-affirming health care, and that's to let it be a private decision of doctors, patients, and parents if a minor is involved. Worries that some people might regret it are no more a case for criminalization than the fact that lots of people regret taking drugs is a case against drug decriminalization. And if your worry is that we need to protect kids from bad choices, you need *much* weightier evidence of harm than anti-trans people can point to.

Rob Herman boosted

Joining a new social media platform? Pro-tip - choose your use name wisely.

BeckySmith1234: porn bot.

BobGudgeon72: russian propagandist

AziraphalesGiantBalls: actual reasonable human being, probably with a PhD in Norse mythology.

Rob Herman boosted

Media zeitgeist around Microsoft’s integration of OpenAI tech into Bing has gone from scrappy underdog (Bing) goes after big dog (Google) to the usual anti big tech tropes by hyping up every weird conversation with the chatbot.

So analysis over, hyperbolic freak outs in.

Rob Herman boosted

u have to be very quiet when hacking so the coputer doesn't hear you. thats why its called ssh

WTF is everyone doing with balloons. folks, you have rockets, you can just put a satellite into space

Rob Herman boosted
Rob Herman boosted

Also finished _Elder Race_ which is a lot of fun. Seeing a wizard who sees himself as nothing more than "anthropologist Second Class, Jim" is a lot of fun. A quick read that doesn't overstay its welcome. Also 5/5

Finished _Tress of the Emerald Sea_. 5/5 and I liked it more than I expected to. I don't like "cosmere shit" usually and I don't like Sanderson's "funny" characters, but the book was engaging throughout and did everything it tried to do.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one