a) Hyperwokes arguing that sex (!) doesn't "really" exist & it's an unacceptable imposition to determine one at birth.
b) Transphobes arguing that trans people don't "really" exist & it's all just an elaborate fantasy we're taking part in.
What is going on?!
- The Patriarchy (TM)
- Halitosis (at a grand scale)
RT @harmonylion1
Propaganda lesson: "Weaponized Hypochondria"
Creating fear of a nonexistent enemy creates confirmation bias, making it seem to exist.
Then you fight it, and since you're the aggressor, it fights back.
Then it really seems to exist.
Quote tweet this with an example.
@ayegill oh that's nice! Have you tried pdf annotation?
NB that this is basically a cartel, and they operate *exactly* as you'd expect.
Wondering why ISPs participate in this. - Bans reduce the attractiveness of their service.
I find it entirely reasonable that "hate speech" will soon be a reason for bans as well. - After all, AWS did that already, and they're just as private.
Remedies: encrypted DNS (as of yet), VPNs (putting you at the mercy of, at least, some other corp), TOR.
A German private industry consortium started censoring access to websites at the network level (via DNS). Right now based on their own (arbitrary, unqualified, unchecked) assessment of copyright violation.
(German vid) https://youtu.be/DSDjgK9PdTE
@jauntywunderkind420 case of https://xkcd.com/349/ ?