I don't know enough about what's going on in cogsci to evaluate the novelty of this claim, but my current thinking about un/conscious dynamics is something like this:
1. Dennett's basic premise of the "multiple drafts" model of conscious is correct, but the PFC is really privileged.
2.a. There are lots of phenomenal events that don't get integrated into the narrative stream of consciousness
2b. A lot of these phenomenal events are "remembered" (or cached?) in faculties outside of the PFC.
3a. A lot of introspective techniques and spiritual technologies (relaxation, trance, etc.) have the function of downregulating the "triune brain" from PFC domination to one of the other areas. This is really useful for meaning if one can integrate some of the "memories" outside of the PFC. I think this is basically Gendlin.
3b. A handful of other techniques upregulate things back up to the PFC. This can be useful for all the cerebral, intellectual tasks that define modernity.
6. The gatekeeping of who/what has conscious experience is not terribly interesting or generative.
7. The "infinite game" instead suggests that we should focus on forms of play that are going to help us integrate and benefit from the novelty and surprise generated from atypical symbol-users (including AI). Let's see what they have to offer to others, meaning in this case what others can integrate and develop further.
8. Other ethical and social imperatives are basically a boring-ass defense of pluralist Deweyite Creative Democracy and related projects that orbit that overall goal.