Gripe about annoying interaction on youtube
Technology Connections had a great video about two standards, named PCM, for encoding digital audio as analog TV broadcast signal video.
I am familiar with the term PCM because every time I bitbang a wav file, my media player's wav decoder calls it PCM. So I left a comment asking what the relationship was between wav format & these two standards, if any.
Some rando comes barreling in saying "PCM is not a file format, it's a theoretical math concept" & calls me an idiot for thinking PCM could ever refer to a standard. On a video, let me remind you, that describes two standards called PCM, and never uses the term to describe anything but these two standards.
Eventually what I put together, from several volleys of conversation wherein I tried to clarify my question and this dude just laid on invective in a way incompatible with having watched the video, is that PCM *also* refers to the general concept of digital amplitude encoding (i.e., every digital audio file that's not, like, midi, is PCM).
What I want to know is whether the concept of PCM existed & the standards for encoding it as video were named after it, or if it happened the other way around & people just called everything PCM the way we call all facial tissues kleenex just because these standards were the only ones for a decade. But because this guy refuses to admit that the thing the video is about exists, he cannot answer my question.
I've had mostly neutral experiences with YouTube comments, & this is the worst one I've had in years.
a Schelling point for those who seek one
For sure. I wonder if it's because basically everybody other than Technology Connections who cares about those subjects as much as he does is way less chill, so he seems even more chill in comparison.