
From Twitter 

"One of [his children] was killed by the Russians...and yet he worked with the enemy. [The Russians] wanted to know who was a Ukrainian war veteran...this traitor went house to house...those 6 guys that he pointed out were taken, tortured, their fingers cut off, their eyeballs 🧵

From Twitter 

cut off, their ears, and then they shot in the back of the head."

Another example of how politics trumps reality. My dad knows two people who died of Covid incl his brother but still thinks vaccines are more dangerous. Putinists are the same, only moreso.

From Twitter 

I could be misinterpreting, of course. For example, maybe this guy was a veteran, the Russians discovered it & threatened to kill his whole family if he didn't reveal the other veterans.

From Twitter 

But I've heard other stories where it was more clear, like the guy tortured by Russians who remained pro-Russian afterward.

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