New blog post! Learning Jai via Advent of Code.
This is a pretty lengthy summary of my early impressions.
I'm a little nervous posting this one because it's the kind of topic where people have, ahem, strong opinions. Be kind y'all.
@forrestthewoods Thanks for writing this! I've been curious about Jai but it was really hard to find info on it (especially in textual form).
Small questions:
I assume if you copy a relative pointer somewhere else and then dereference it, it will just silently go wrong? Avoiding that in general would seem to require a full system of copy/move constructors etc. (or perhaps pinned types)
Big question:
Do you have any executive summary level thoughts or impressions on how it compares to Zig, especially w.r.t. the compile-time evaluation features? I've read various blog posts about Zig but haven't used it.
@glaebhoerl I did not have a good time when I tried Zig. So I can’t compare.