I respect this guy's vision and tenacity BUT
There are real harms from normal AI today! there are hypothetical harms from ASI in the future! And we would all benefit if we stopped conflating the latter with the former, it confuses the normies and makes policy worse
RT @ESYudkowsky
GPTs are not GANs. They aren't trained to *talk like a human*. They're trained to *predict all the text on the Internet*.
Think about that for a secon…
lofi Žižekwave beats to prefer not to and so on 🎶
Interesting that this started out like 75-25 in favor of "following" before gradually swinging towards "for you". Maybe voting causes a tweet to appear on your connections' feeds, maybe it's just normal feed delay.
284 views, 34 votes on 4.5k followers after 8h. Inconclusive!
Hey we spotted you across the parameter space and we really dig your alignment, can we get you a room full of Chinese dictionaries?
RT @sama
"But they don't have to. We care! There is light in the world, and it is us!"
RT @MAstronomers
How cool to watch -
Twitter's gonna facebook itself into a recycled boomer bait chum feed and drive all the cool people over to mastodon
Social network renaissance inbound, get hype!
RT @WomenPostingLs
lofi beats to rip and tear to 🎶✨
pushing the frontiers of high-performance Arc with how fast this post was upvoted
RT @newsyc250
Sexual loneliness: A neglected public health problem? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367325876_Sexual_loneliness_A_neglected_public_health_problem (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34534272)
"The Queen, you see, is a figurehead. She represents the kingdom, but she isn’t the kingdom itself, or even in control of it."
"I don't feel like a figurehead."
"Me neither! Nobody does."
"You know, Huey, those of us who do adhere to the philosophy of nonviolence frown upon the throwing of furniture to resolve our political differences"
James Carse wrote the incredible "Finite and Inifinite Games" about life, games, and the sort of trustworthy playfulness we've all seen in the world but have a hard time describing. It's great, but it's got a huge hole in it.
I enjoy this person's commentary and agree with the later point about fooling yourself, but this is a convenient jumping-off point to observe a problem with setting your own happiness as the highest good: it ignores the world you're in, often to the detriment of your stated goal
Righteousness exists and must exist - treating it as a symptom of something wrong with you personally is a self-centered way to be in the world
Dodging confrontation is endemic in new age stuff - looking at you, Finite and Infinite Games - this general refusal to take a stand
RT @the_wilderless
Feeling righteous about anything is a good sign to stop what you’re doing and examine your approach,,
But there’s sth especially pernic…
the kind of behavior you'd expect from the kind of beta who'd give away food to poor people and so on
RT @thinkiamsad
if you sent a modern American evangelical back in time with a universal translator to the Council of Nicaea, it would take like 5 minutes tops before they said something so heretical that they were sentenced to one of the really nasty kinds of execution reserved for Gnostics https://twitter.com/JacobTBrunton/status/…
"And here's to brave McClellan, who the army now reveres .."
Whew could there be any clearer sign a song was written way early in the war
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