what RADICAL CHANGE to your life do you wish you could initiate, if only you knew how to figure out the logistics?


@andrew ~ current plan

1. figure out how to make a decent amount of money for the least amount of work

2. play sports, learn programming (for ai, and to have my own spot online), do art as a hobby

@AbstractFairy I think I would join a university of weird nerds. I'd join the modern equivalent of the Baghdad House of Wisdom.

The main problem is that I don't think that institution exists yet, so hope I could figure out the logistics there.

The other major one is having kids, which I would do right away if I knew what I wanted to do for money. I'm in a good career position, but not sure who I want to work with/for..

@andrew feels like blogging is the minimum viable product for a modern day baghdad of wisdom

fuck around > find out > write about it > poast > more people fuck around and find out different things > moar poast

re: kids
i'd like to have kids one day, but there's a looong way to that. finding a suitable partner and reorganizing society

hope you find alignment in your career :D

@AbstractFairy reorganizing society already successful over here -- I'm living in community with people who will be my "tribe" as we raise kids. Which is awesome, that was my last major radical change.

Career alignment will probably come in the next 4 weeks or something, so I'm not too concerned.

I don't agree re: blogging because I'm too social-design pilled. It feels impossible to re-create a society online, physical environments are just TOO important.

@AbstractFairy a house of wisdom where you can't commune over the lunch table is no house of wisdom

@AbstractFairy this is a bit unfair though, I'm still very committed to the blogosphere, which I think is a beautiful and alive ecosystem. I just want it to exist in NYC, as well.

@andrew ah so closer to tribe building

i'd suggest checking out Rich Decibels and his work on microsolidarity.cc/

and rafael.fyi/ by raf

(didn't realize how much easier it is to link on twitter. mayabe the problem is that people are used to using a service instead of using the internet as a whole)

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