Can someone else who has installed a Nest thermostat themself convince me that my house isn't going to spontaneously burn down?

Thanks in advance!


I self installed mine and it has been working for years. Although, at this point, I mostly have it set to just bracket a temperature range and mostly don't use the learning functions. The secret to installing it is identifying the wires coming from your HVAC system and which functions they represent. As I recall the app was pretty helpful in figuring this out.

@Istuart Yeah the walkthrough in the app was super simple! So simple I'm convinced I messed something up. It functions perfectly though so evidently I put the wires in the right holes??

Then I'm more than 95% confident that everything will be fine!
But I'm willing to set a periodic reminder to check up on you just in case...

@Istuart hahah you're so sweet, thank you for the reassurance!

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