He who goes to himself, climbs down. - LS, p. 136 #CGJung
I cling to everything that obstructs my way to myself. - LS, p. 136 #CGJung
Some commit a crime to pick a quarrel with themselves. - LS, p. 136 #CGJung
He would rather devise any trick to help him escape, since nothing matches the torment of one's own way. - LS, p. 136 #CGJung
It is unclear how great one's humility must be to take it upon oneself to live one's own life. The disgust of whoever wants to enter into his own life can hardly be measured. - LS, p. 136 #CGJung
Let it rain, let the wind blow, let the waters flow and the fire burn. Let each things have its development, let becoming have its day. - LS, p.136 #CGJung
Why can't you wait? Why should your impatience destroy the highest opus? - LS, p. 134 #CGJung
Great is the power of the way. In it Heaven and Hell grow together, and in it the power of the Below and the power of the Above unite. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
The power of the way is so great that it carries away others and ignites them. You do not know how this happens: hence it is best you call this effect magical. - LS, p. 130, n.243 #CGJung
Everything must be fulfilled. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
Who should accomplish your deeds? Who should carry your virtues and your vices? - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
Why are you looking around for help? Do you believe that help will come from outside? What is to come will be created in you and from you. Hence look into yourself. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
There is only one way and that is your way; there is only one salvation and that is your salvation. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
Running away is deception and detour. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
The tension of the future is unbearable in us. It must break through narrow cracks, it must force new ways. You want to cast off the burden, you want to escape the inescapable. - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
How much future the depths carry! - LS, p. 130 #CGJung
Submit to the riddles and the thoroughly incomprehensible. There are dizzying bridges over the eternally deep abyss. - LS, p. 128 #CGJung
The gifts of darkness are full of riddles. - LS, p. 128 #CGJung
The sacrifice that magic demands is solace. - LS, p. 126 #CGJung
From C.G. Jung's Red Book, "Liber Novus".
LP = Liber Primus; LS = Liber Secundus; S = Scrutinies.
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