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Peace and blue night spread over you while you dream in the grave of the millennia. - LS, p. 22

Silence and peace come over you if you begin to comprehend the darkness. - LS, p. 22

Only he who does not comprehend the darkness fears the night. - LS, p. 22

Honor the darkness as the light, and you will illumine your darkness. - LS, p. 22

The God of words is cold and dead and shines from afar like the moon, mysteriously and inaccessibly. - LS, p. 21

What use is the light if the darkness does not comprehend it? - LS, p. 21

He who breaks the wall of words overthrows Gods and defiles temples. - LS, p. 21

The word becomes your God, since it protects you from the countless possibilities of interpretation. The word is protective magic against the daimons of the unending, which tear at your soul and want to scatter you to the winds. - LS, p. 21

And yet you must go an endless road, since life flows not only down a finite path but also an infinite one. - LS, p. 21

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The writing lies before you and always says the same, if you believe in words. But if you believe in things in whose places only words stand, you never come to the end. - LS, p. 21

What are years? What is hurrying time to him that sits under a tree? Your time passes like a breath of air and you wait for the next light, the next fruit. - LS, p. 21

And when you sleep, you rest, like everything that was, and your dreams echo softly again from distant temple chants. - LS, pp. 20-21

Brimful delicious expectation is in the solitary. - LS, p. 19

Have you ever unlearned anything? -- Well, then you should know how long it takes. - LS, p. 18

I've spent many years alone with the process of unlearning. - LS, p. 18

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a Schelling point for those who seek one