Internet evolution:
Usenet: find your people! there are a few dozen of them on rec.arts.funny!
Listservs: find your people! there are 100 of them on this obscure list devoted to Marxist cultural criticism!
Blogs: find your people! each time one of them visits your site, your counter will increment! look! it has reached four digits!
Social media: find your people! there are several million strangers who are calling you names!
Post-social media: find your people! there are several dozen of them!
Self-hosting a gitlab instance provides more control.
But I don't know why you would use other-hosted gitlab.
Kolektiva has made a statement about the past week's events, which i think is important to boost. Everyone deserves to see this, regardless of whether they end up agreeing or disagreeing with anything in it:
For those wondering, ′′ how did i do it?":
I Boiled 10l of water, added 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, two cups of coke and half cup of lemon juice then stirred well .
Waited 3 minutes, put the pan in the solution for 45 minutes, then added a quarter cup of chlorine bleach to the mixture.
Then I brushed it with a firm toothbrush and put it back into the liquid for another 25 minutes.
I took it out, rinsed it and it looked exactly the same, so I threw it away and went out and bought a new one.
What's the easiest way to set up a simulated network with ISP-style NAT? Preferably without buying dedicated hardware for the purpose, and preferably reproducible for other developers.
Usecase: I am developing a P2P system, and need a reasonably representative environment to test my software in, and how well it deals with shitty residential networking configurations.
I'm a developer, not a network engineer, so my knowledge of networks is limited to a developer perspective and I don't have the spoons to learn it in-depth.
Boosts appreciated
Neuromancer 2022
The collapse of a startup leaves implanted medical devices in > 700 people
The unavailability of the proprietary SW needed to recalibrate the devices and maintain its effectiveness, and the draining of batteries, will leave them without treatment and with HW implanted in their bodies
They have to hack their own implants
And it is not an isolated case but a trend
Earlier this year, I became aware of STANDARD EBOOKS, a donation-dependent group of edtiors and layout experts who have been doing the amazing work of taking out-of-copyright books, turning them into top-quality ebooks, and then releasing them for free.
Some of the books they've done are in the Internet Archive here:
They're seeking 75 patrons in December to keep themselves afloat, consider donating to this amazing cause.