Citogenesis has been a disaster for the human race.
@SJohnRoss I'm not even sure what it would mean for something earnest to wink, honestly.
@empathy2000 worse: it's git.
@jp You're showing in the fediverse.
So, one advantage of Medium is that you can log into it with your Twitter account.
@flats yeah. The project I'm on is using the WordPress coding standards and they demand
If ( 0 === $count )
and lint for that too. So annoying.
It stops.
Because the intelligence is all inside the matrices and is just as opaque to the AI as our own brains are to us.
LLMs are basically big matrices, right?
What if we get a medium-smart AI, give it access to its own code, and ask it to improve itself, and it catches a case where large matrices can be multiplied faster with a clever algorithm, making it faster, and then...
Non-anime watchers: why not start now?
This is a heartwarming movie about/for kids. There are dubbed showings.