I wasn't surprised to learn that someone proposed a unit for reciprocal of resistance to be called the 'mho' (ohm backwards).
I was suprised to see it proposed by Lord fucking Kelvin in 1883.
He even suggests to play 'ohm' backwards in a phonograph to work out how to pronounce it.
19th century physics shitposting.
@libraryoferis oh wow, what an excellent resource! Thank you for putting this together.
SunOS 4.1.4 says it can't possibly be the year 2023: "WARNING: preposterous time in filesystem -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!"
sorry SunOS, there's nothing i can do to fix 2023.
This is just a Tanks vs Trees remake.
That is, they trained on a data set of 75+% white people, so the AI accidentally learned that white features are part of the idea of headshots.
But because we do imagegen from the classifier now, we can see the issue in this way instead of having to discover that it doesn't classify photos of Asians as headshots.
My work is so dysfunctional, but it resolved in my favor this time, I guess.
Big layoffs, but they only considered full time employees, and I've been languishing in hourly for a while because they couldn't manage to convert me despite me clocking 40 hour weeks for years now.
Two wrongs... keep me employed, I guess.
I often think about this scene from Patrick Farley's great web comic The Guy I Almost Was.
It was a reference to the Mondo2000 era but seems baked into the DNA of the modern web
@ZachWeinersmith the current trend in AI is generation, not search, unfortunately.
Me: Hey AI, where's that email I got from my mom?
AI: Here's what I think an email from your mom might look like.
i'll have to dig into this; there are certainly mechanisms for code sharing that do not involve dynamic linking (like message passing & interrupt service routines) but i'm struggling to imagine a code-sharing mechanism based on linking that's not a variation on dynamic linking (even if it's static linking plus a kind of emulation of dynamic linking)...