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If artistic *style* gets copyright-level protections, most of the styles will be owned by corporations within a generation, and there's a decent chance you'll end up needing to pay a licensing fee or something equally absurd to publish your own art.

Just, like, before you go driving that direction.

How long does copyright last? I'll use the UK as an example, other countries have similar laws:
- Written, dramatic, musical and artistic work: 70 years after the author's death
- Sound and music recording: 70 years after first publication
- Films: 70 years after the death of the director, screenplay author and composer
- Broadcasts: 50 years after first broadcast
- Layout of published editions of written, dramatic or musical works: 25 years from first publication
- Unpublished works from before 1988: until 2039. This includes, absurdly, things like medieval manuscripts, and vast swathes of the war museum's collection.

Who benefits from privatising our common history and culture? It's certainly not the small-time artist, and it's often not the family of the successful novelist, rather most of all, it's the holding companies that copyright ends up being sold to.

We would like to remind everyone that none of Torment Nexus products are *covert* surveillance devices.

The more I look at #webdev as a not-full-time practitioner, the more I start to appreciate what I think of as the #indieweb position:

The basic document structure of the web is #HTML.

The basic layout engine is #CSS.

The more that a framework leverages these things directly--puts them in front of code authors and also expresses them clearly in its output, the better it is.

The more a framework hides or misrepresents them or doesn't engage with their semantics, the worse it is.

Do y’all remember that time that someone discovered facial recognition cameras couldn't see through Juggalo makeup, then Facebook had a fun “see what you'd look like with Juggalo makeup” thing, and then facial recognition cameras could suddenly see through Juggalo makeup?

How Is the Effective Altruism movement related to LessWrong's Rationality?

Fundamentally: EA is the application of LW's ideas to charity.

Coincidentally: Some people overlap, but no fundamental link.

Unrelated: unrelated

Intentionally typing � {REPLACEMENT CHARACTER}

Or, a font without that character.


I will say though that could absolutely not pull off what the actual real raspberry pi just did, satire has its limits

Mainstream media journalist: It's too hard to build an audience on Mastodon! I cross-post the same shouty posts and one-sentence slogans as I do on the fowl app, and they just get no traction here! It must be because it's just too complicated for people to read posts from other instances or something!

Me: Okay, do you follow many interesting people here?

Journo: No.

Me: Do you reply to posts and engage with other people?

Journo: No.

Me: Do you like and share many other people's posts?

Journo: No.

Me: Do you post anything interesting, insightful or funny? Or just shouty denouncements?

Journo: Oh, I don't just cross-post shouty posts and slogans — I also do self-promotion! Subscribe now to read my latest article!

Me: Could the problem be that you've relied entirely on an algorithm that's fine-tuned to incite people by distributing the most provocative content widely to generate ad views? That the core issues are that you don't engage, contribute little to the online community, and share little content of real value and substance? That you're essentially no different to the social media bullies you so often denounce in your paywalled articles?

Journo: No. The problem isn't me, the problem is Mastodon!

#TwitterMigration #Twitter #Mastodon @fediverse

Apple has finally killed its ill-conceived plan to scan photos for CSAM. This is a direct result of work by experts and activists. Speaking up is important and sometimes we win.

Terrible people be like: <I'm unwelcoming. It keeps the bad people away. You can't have a good community if you let just anybody in.>

My dude, there are people saying that second sentence _about you_.

If I look into this restaurant and find out its line workers did NOT rise up against, overthrow and decapitate the management of a Burger King, I am gonna be pissed.

This modified version of the famous ‘turn #chatGPT into a pretend Linux system’ prompt is also my prototype for a product that will sell millions.

Unclear if I should unfollow people with stupid opinions on the latest fedi drama* or if it will pass and they'll go back to making good posts.

* writ generally, not just whatever it happens to be today.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one