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Really starting to hope that OpenAI is deliberately pushing an unreliable product into production use to spark a new AI Winter.

Because if not, their safety focus is badly broken.

I now have rsync backing up my phone to my NAS automatically.

(Via the app syncopoli, but that's basically an rsync frontend and scheduler.)

We need low-background citations (sources published before Wikipedia existed.)

(By analogy to low-background steel, smelted before nuclear testing started, and thus not tainted with radioactive elements.)

@SJohnRoss I'm not even sure what it would mean for something earnest to wink, honestly.

the map is not the territory. for one, it takes a lot fewer soldiers to occupy the map


So, one advantage of Medium is that you can log into it with your Twitter account.

@flats yeah. The project I'm on is using the WordPress coding standards and they demand

If ( 0 === $count )

and lint for that too. So annoying.

Say what you will about John Wilkes Booth, at least he had a clear political stance.

(Compare with later assassins and attempted assassins of presidents.)

It stops.

Because the intelligence is all inside the matrices and is just as opaque to the AI as our own brains are to us.

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LLMs are basically big matrices, right?

What if we get a medium-smart AI, give it access to its own code, and ask it to improve itself, and it catches a case where large matrices can be multiplied faster with a clever algorithm, making it faster, and then...

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What if AI recursive self-improvement only gets to turn the screw one time?

Non-anime watchers: why not start now?

This is a heartwarming movie about/for kids. There are dubbed showings.

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Anime watchers: _My Neighbor Totoro_ is playing in theaters this weekend and next week.

You should never lint for Yoda conditions.

If you have a linter, you should lint for assignment inside conditionals.

Yoda conditions are a convention that prevents you from accidentally assigning when you meant to compare. A linter is just a better tool for this.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one