The Android Custom ROM Update Problem:
You can't get system updates for your hardware anymore because the people who were supporting it for free bought new phones and no longer care about that model.
The Android Update Problem:
You can't get system updates for your hardware anymore because selling new hardware is more lucrative than supporting existing hardware.
The PlayStation 3 Store problem:
Software for your hardware can no longer be acquired because supporting the platform is no longer commercially viable.
The iPhone Fortnite problem:
You're not allowed to install a piece of software on your own hardware because it's not on the approved list.
The Warcraft 3 Reforged Problem:
Some piece of software you use is replaced with an inferior version via automatic updates.
The SaaS problem:
You'd like to adjust the software, but you can't, because it runs on a server and you're just buying the service.
The TIVO problem:
You'd like to adjust the software, but you can't, even though you have the source code, because the machine will only run code signed by the creator.
We'll give the first few hits to the FSF:
The printer driver problem:
There's a useful feature the software doesn't have. You have the skill and desire to add it, but you can't because you don't have the source code.
I saw a rant about how the FSF was doing the wrong things and it made me think about where the problems lie today.
So let's count down some problems.
I'm now interested in what a programming language would look like that had a fully general number type, but used bounded numbers for speed when appropriate constraints were followed.
Irrational numbers probably can't be represented in a sane way, without going to full symbolic representation.
Ironically, it's easier to represent complex numbers with rational parts than reals.
Actual integers could be represented with a BigInt type. (That's a list of bounded machine integers with logic to make basic operations handle overflow.)
Rationals could be represented with two BigInts.
I'd like to thank @ozyfrantz for this post, pointing out an extremely useful thing.
Is you've got someone in your life who's always choking on something, get them one. (There are now several different shape and color variations.)