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My company spent more money paying me to scrape up space on my hard disk then they saved by putting such a tiny disk in the machine in the first place.

I reached the bit about the dancing bears.

Rabbits and chickens were not native to Beleriand. (Another point for the European theory.)

Elves do not eat mushrooms, apparently.

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Suppose the every night you prayed:

God, make me your instrument to heal the hurts of the world.

What kind of person would you be after a year?

Eve: How do you go about handling conflict in a team?

Alice: On day one, find the best coder on the team and tell them their work is garbage. Position yourself on top of the hierarchy.

Eve: That doesn't sound like the kind of dynamic we want.

Alice: Why? Because you're weak?

Your top level exception handler should show a button that pastes the stack trace into Google.

My brother thinks vaccine mandates will lead to a scramble to replace employees who quit, meaning more demand for employees, meaning higher wages.

I doubt it, because most employees get vaccinated when their job is on the line.

Oh look, a member of the outgroup.

Maybe if we mock it, it will go away.

While you weren't looking, Netflix added five more episodes, without even the decency to say "season two".

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My social circle is generally "left".

I can tell because lefty ideas can be spread with purely social moves, but righty ideas have to be justified.

I try to live by a clear principle: the outgroup is bad.

Stupid science:

Do blondes actually have more fun? Let's design a experiment to determine if they do.

The ugly mixture of a person who refuses to be chased away when people say <eew, gross> at him, but who still says <eew, gross> at other people.

I dressed as a pirate and challenged any trick-or-treater with a weapon to a duel for an extra candy.

(Not a real duel, just playing around.)

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It bugs me that people keep treating harassment and discrimination as if they were two sides of the same coin.

They can both be fruit of the same poisonous tree, but they can also occur independently.

Appalled by the illiteracy of people who read a sentence like <if you use definition X, then the outcome is Y> and presuming that the speaker endorses forcing everyone to use definition X.

Muted "Brandon" so I don't have to see this stupid meme anymore.

Old: It's the Dark Souls of platformers.

Bold: It's the Kirby of Civilization Builders.

Everyone wants their political enemies to say some vile thing that they think they're thinking.

No one wants to understand what people are actually thinking.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one