GHC now has a JavaScript backend!
Mio fights with her sister over pranks.
The girls try out a new restaurant.
Yuuko fights mosquitos.
Hakase spoils her dinner.
Mio gets roped into a part-time job.
Internet evolution:
Usenet: find your people! there are a few dozen of them on rec.arts.funny!
Listservs: find your people! there are 100 of them on this obscure list devoted to Marxist cultural criticism!
Blogs: find your people! each time one of them visits your site, your counter will increment! look! it has reached four digits!
Social media: find your people! there are several million strangers who are calling you names!
Post-social media: find your people! there are several dozen of them!
Kolektiva has made a statement about the past week's events, which i think is important to boost. Everyone deserves to see this, regardless of whether they end up agreeing or disagreeing with anything in it:
For those wondering, ′′ how did i do it?":
I Boiled 10l of water, added 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, two cups of coke and half cup of lemon juice then stirred well .
Waited 3 minutes, put the pan in the solution for 45 minutes, then added a quarter cup of chlorine bleach to the mixture.
Then I brushed it with a firm toothbrush and put it back into the liquid for another 25 minutes.
I took it out, rinsed it and it looked exactly the same, so I threw it away and went out and bought a new one.