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Stupid trolling about dating and the quality of women is back on the timeline.

Twitter is healing.

Book list should be 50% <how have you not read that yet> and 50% <how have _I_ not read that yet?>

Nano goes to school. She's really worried about the key on her back.

She makes friends with the main three over lunch.

Yuuko asks if she's a robot, but since Yuuko is known to be an idiot, this is dismissed.

Yuuko and Mio have a big fight, drawing attention away from Nano.

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Yuuko comes to school sick to show off her magic tricks, but isn't really up to it.

Hakase is scared of a thunderstorm. Nano is not much help, she's scared too.

In a burst of continuity, Nano enrolls in school.

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I highly recommend supporting the Standard Ebooks project. 📚

«Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces new editions of public domain ebooks that are lovingly formatted, open source, free of copyright restrictions, and free of cost.»


#standardebook #ebook #publicdomain #book #reading

I really hate it when someone tells you how Those People think like they have some kind of ESP.

(Far more likely that they've had an all-propaganga diet.)

"The moon belongs to everyone
"The best things in life are free"

A reminder that today being January 1st, 2023, books, films and other works (except audio recordings) made in 1927 have entered the #publicdomain in the US (including the cited song).

#Books included: "The Case-Book of #SherlockHolmes" by #ArthurConanDoyle, "The Big Four" by #AgathaChristie, and "Men Without Women" by #ErnestHemingway, among others.

#Bookstodon @bookstodon

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
And may the new year suck much less
Than the last three years combined

Sometimes I see a Tumblr post with a bunch of replies and it' just horrid so often.

I don't understand why people would surround themselves with that kind of negativity, _and I'm on Twitter._

For 2023, I'm making a media thread (this one) for anything I'm not livetweeting.

(Then we can all be distressed at how much time I waste on Twitter instead of reading books.)

1-2 posts per media. Micro-reviews.

Planning to post "Happy New Year" a couple hours early so people think I live in Iceland or something.

Okay, this was a questionable plan. I feel like just ate an entire loaf of bread.

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Dinner tonight is all the leftover biscuits that didn't get cooked for Christmas.

For a second time, Jeff gets the award for <only critic in the community to notice and condemn a rape joke.>

(The victim was male, of course.)

(And fictional, of course.)

In January of 2023 will you publish at least 3 posts to your blog or RSS feed? If so join Bring Back Blogging, an experiment to encourage blogging by listing the bloggers who participate and allowing readers to discover new content.

So far over 130 bloggers joined, including yours truly. I blog regularly, so it was a no brainer.

#blogging #rss

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a Schelling point for those who seek one