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University fires administrator for discriminating against a co-worker after she learned that he voted for Trump in 2016.

Alice: Oh man, did you see the news last night?

Eve: Hey! No discussing politics in the office. If your political stances are detectable, that constitutes creating a Hostile Work Environment.

What if the tiny version of my mother that I have in my head is a high quality enough simulation to be sentient?

Consider a chart with "JFK assassination", "9/11 attacks" and "moon landing" vs "JFK assassination done by Cuba", "9/11 was an inside job" and "moon landing is fake".

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The biggest problem with that conspiracy chart is that they name conspiracies by the triggering incident, not the bogus belief.

If the fight ends when you cry, it will incentivize you to have a thinner skin.

Did the Biden administration do a better job handling COVID than the Trump administration?

So, has the inevitable counter-narrative for the rust moderation team's mass resignation dropped yet?

Anime nerds: Yeah, _Mushoku Tensei_ actually developed two fantasy languages for the show so that when people are speaking in different languages, they sound different.

Me: JRRTolkienWithGlowingEyes.jpg

For every forum where open minded people gather to have polite discussion across party lines, there will be a neo-nazi eager to beta-test his propaganda.

Will you still own it when the company that made it goes out of business?

Is it a product, or a platform for selling you services?

I'm sorry for the trauma you've experienced, but I need to use it to score a cheap political Dunk on my enemies over something that happened recently.

Anyone know a good place to follow the Unite the Right trial?

I want to watch white nationalists cross examine each other and try to dodge blame.

Group finder is the worst thing to happen to games.

In the old days, being sociable enough to form a PUG was enough of a hoop to jump through that people wouldn't just drop at the first sign of trouble at throw slurs at their own teammates.

He's both very socialist and very authoritarian. I'm worried he might defect to North Korea.

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Probably a good time to take 24-48 hours off of Twitter.

Reminder that stories from Earth-2 are not real.

Time to play What's That Demographic?

"mostly white, but minorities are over-represented, relative to the general population of the US."

There's no possible way that _two_ people into very online political discussion decided to make a comic with low quality art.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one