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Goddamned nerds stop asking be about the D&D open license thing. I don’t know about open licenses and also I am interested in REAL goddamn nerd stuff like whether there need to be more items in 5e that increase your spell DC because the vampires kept saving against my Sunbeam last night.

Gargron objectively did more harm to the fediverse by enabling automated block lists than quote replies could ever do.

My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing him.

Went out. Had a few drinks. Nice guy. He's a web designer.

Specialises in debugging.

It's just dawned on me. The hyperlink is the greatest invention since computing as a whole. It's truly incredible that you can easily transverse swaths of information with a single click. Incredible that there are no silos. The dream behind the creation of the internet, through all the cruft, lives on.


When designing a user interface, imagine some old woman using it, say Margaret Hamilton, and she's clicking your app's buttons and saying to you, as old people do,

"Young whippersnapper, when I was your age, I sent 24 people to the ACTUAL MOON with my software in 4K of RAM and here I am clicking your button and it takes ten seconds to load a 50 megabyte video ad and then it crashes

I'm not even ANGRY with you, I'm just disappointed."

The third edition of the beloved _The Shadow of Yesterday_ is here:

And that version is also CC.

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Just a reminder: the Cairn SRD and the game files (Affinity Publisher) are all available as CC-BY-SA 4.0, for free, here:

All the text on the website is also CC-BY-SA, including the d666 spellbook table, my GLoG hack, and anything else you can find that isn't linked anywhere.

Please, hack my game.

It's really weird to me at this point in computer history the primary reason to upgrade a computer is that the web browser companies stop supporting your OS. OSes no longer provide new or useful features over time, app compatibility no longer matters because everything new is on the web. But to keep using the web you have to upgrade your browser, and that occasionally means you have to upgrade your OS. Without this you could probably keep using computers from the last 15 years for like, 20 years

When all you have is a Linux every problem looks like a file

There are so many birdsite refugees here and most of us story games and DND folks aren't used to sharing space anymore, so let's exercise a modicum of consideration by remembering that other styles of RPG _exist_ and _are valid_, even if they're not out cup of tea.

I genuinely don't understand what makes DND enjoyable. That doesn't make DND not a game, or an inferior game.

Similarly, there is a rich and vibrant history and community of story focused tabletop RPGs. We exist, and are valid.

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From OG OGL architect Ryan Dancey:

"Yeah my public opinion is that Hasbro does not have the power to deauthorize a version of the OGL. If that had been a power that we wanted to reserve for Hasbro, we would have enumerated it in the license. I am on record numerous places in email and blogs and interviews saying that the license could never be revoked."


Calling spam white supremacy and racism is just so ridiculous

The Private Notes field is a good place to note why I stopped following someone, so if I see them again I can remember why I stopped before I decide to refollow.

+ good anime commentary
- insane politics


(Fedi only feature. Maybe they'll add it to Twitter soon. Lol.)

ok but realtalk #fediblock continuing to go around starting shit with people, especially other marginalized people, over small issues that can be resolved amicably is a fucked up and abusive thing to do. it's not "white supremacy" to say to not do violence (and exile/social exclusion is violence) on people who accidentally step on your social mores. if you actually give a shit about the anti-bigotry you espouse (lol), you need to offer a path to correct the behavior. failure to do so, or unwillingness to reverse judgements when amends are made, means you are an abuser grifting for social clout, simple as.
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a Schelling point for those who seek one