lol. lmao
RT @unherd
"'Transmaxxing' is a subculture of young men who embrace trans identities not because they believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’ but simply because they can" | @moveincircles

is it better or worse to suggest this explicitly or put enough similar/relevant ideas into the cultural water supply so that it becomes really obvious and then quietly pretend it isn't happening

well ok, most of us aren't suggesting it as an idea
RT @Aella_Girl
probably there are some people who aren't "trans" in the sense they don't have the gender identity corresponding to the opposite sex, but still might want to transition because it would improve their life, and if this is true then I think they should go for it


but given we've built the most elaborate honeytrap imaginable to catch people who'd try this sort of thing and have had very few bad experiences (mostly people pushed too early it seems) i am not inclined to handwring too hard

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