*record scratch* *freeze frame* "yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got here"

you are in a sex-positive bubble, part 53/∞
RT @datepsych
Initial results from the dating app deal-breaker survey.

An infographic with some basic descriptives: deal-breakers for men.

apropos of nothing
(snp + the lib dems aren't going to support a tory government)

tried to plot this for australia and this sure tells a story huh
RT @jburnmurdoch
2) It’s actually worse than that chart made out, because at most points on the income distribution, Americans earn much more than Brits.

If we plot the same data by actual income instead of percentile, the US deficit is vast.

5 fewer years even among the comfortably-off. t.co/ssffHKqbLv

one quote "the tile admits uncountably many tilings": is it even possible to have a set of tiles that aperiodically tile the plane without having uncountably many tilings?
RT @cs_kaplan
In a new paper, David Smith, Joseph Myers, Chaim Goodman-Strauss and I prove that a polykite that we call "the hat" is an aperiodic monotile, AKA an einstein. We finally got down to 1! arxiv.org/abs/2303.10798 4/6

getting real tired of the "patient says or does something i don't understand or is atypical in some way" -> "hmm clearly this means they might be confused and aren't really trans" pipeline
RT @christapeterso
Sometimes, a teenager saying they are “space gender” or “raccoon gender” could be a joke. But sometimes, it could be a genuine confusion.

newspapers should conduct more interviews like this tbh
in general im pro fewer heterodox takes on trans people by cis people and more heterodox takes on trans people by trans people
RT @JillFilipovic
Masha Gessen is brilliant and you should read this interview. newyorker.com/news/the-new-yor

tbh if i were a patient here id ask them to publicly reveal if i were on the list several years from now, and see if other people were willing to do the same

think you can identify who "isn't really trans"? well we'll see about that
RT @BusinessWaffles
This is the scandal. This is the scandal. This is the scandal

Workers at a gender clinic were keeping a spreadsheet of the clients that they thought were not really trans, and…

this sounds like the sort of thing i want to make grumpy postrat noises about
RT @yashkaf
so far it's like: ok we have this dude on the left he's called "higher mind" so you know he's awesome and the other guy is an asshole so we're gonna solve politics by rooting really really hard for the guy on the left to kick the other guy's ass yay liberalism!

man there has to be a better solution to opioid addiction then "make doctors a cartel"
RT @mattyglesias
What happens when physicians face new competition from expanded scope of practice for nurse-practitioners?

Physicians hand out more prescriptions for addictive painkillers and for combo prescriptions of opioids opioids and benzodiazepines. 😬😬😬


wonder why teenagers today might not feel like they are architects of their own life
RT @mattyglesias
Among other things I agree with @JillFilipovic that we are probably reaping the fruit of teaching kids to emphasizing their own fragility.


rats/EAs talk about these things all the time! eg twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/
the real problem you're complaining about is suddenly finding a space where you're socially clueless
RT @Aella_Girl
Its hard to describe what rationalist culture is "about"; here's a good summary of the conversational guidelines:

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oops this is an outdated version pretty sure 2mg/day is still too low for most people though

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so after a bit of hunting it looks like they're using us endocrine society guidelines
here's what they recommend for adolescent (~16 yr old) trans women
RT @RottenInDenmark
Here's the link if you want to see how desperate his "debunking" is becoming. I cannot believe people still consider him an expert and a neutral arbiter on this issue.

theory of the maths gender gap: if you're a kid and you get out onto the left tail it just becomes really isolating and hard to explain to people, and this is something boys cope better with than girls.
(prejudice also plays some role from what I've heard)
RT @_alice_evans
How different are 🇺🇸 men and women?

Men are typically taller.

Less agreeable, less neurotic on average

Zero sex difference for conscientiousness

Extreme in…

using seifa data to get something similar in spirit (looks like the abs e.g. tries to adjust for retirees perhaps not being as poor as their income says on paper)
we clearly had a blue wall but it was nothing on this scale and well... not anymore

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a Schelling point for those who seek one