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sorry i had to scale the dots by population, can't have you thinking we're *too* poor; they range from like 40k to 800k

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sorry i had to scale the dots by population, can't have you thinking we're *too* poor

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tried to plot this for australia and this sure tells a story huh
RT @jburnmurdoch
2) It’s actually worse than that chart made out, because at most points on the income distribution, Americans earn much more than Brits.

If we plot the same data by actual income instead of percentile, the US deficit is vast.

5 fewer years even among the comfortably-off.

the claim seems to be that the fact that n-TET is a good tuning corresponds to
zeta(1/2 + 2*pi*n*i/ln(2)) has a peak in absolute value

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apparently in music theory people use "irrational time signature" to mean "non-dyadic time signature" :/

i feel like you could do something actually interesting with say a time signature based on the golden ratio but you have ruined my ability to see if it's been tried

ppl make the same mistakes teaching autists social skills as they do teaching normies math

as always my take on the transmed/tucute discourse i.e. "is being trans about having a mental illness called gender dyphoria"
is that if this is a meaningful question for you y'all need to get woker about disability rights activism

i feel like you can repeat the argument in full generality with some bespoke metric on the space of all tilings where the tiles are allowed to slide around but that seems like effort

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you feel like there has to be a one-line proof citing some theorem in model theory or something

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(in actuality S_α will become constant while α is still countable
because our basis is countable
and the set of things B_α in our basis which are a subset of the open set S\S_ α always gets bigger as α goes up
and as S\S_α is the union of all things in B_α...)

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and one point in this space always gives you an infinite number because aperiodic

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i think this reasoning still works if we're talking tiles where there's only a finite number of ways to glue 2 tiles together sensibly
you don't quite get the group action but you do still get a compact topology on all the ways to build a tesselation around some base tile

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S_α is also eventually constant if for no other reason than that eventually you run out of points. call the resulting set T

pretty sure because T is perfect and this is a nice enough topological space T has cardinality continuum

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hrmm. construct for any ordinal α S_α

S_{α+1} is S_α minus all its isolated points

S_λ is the intersection of S_α α<λ

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like the space S of aperiodic tilings comes with a compact topology where the basis of open sets is "we are given where a finite number of where the tiles are is"
and Z^2 acts freely on this set by translations because the tiling is aperiodic

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(note this reasoning does not hold if there exists a periodic tiling, and I feel like it's not too difficult to construct counterexamples here)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one