i think this reasoning still works if we're talking tiles where there's only a finite number of ways to glue 2 tiles together sensibly
you don't quite get the group action but you do still get a compact topology on all the ways to build a tesselation around some base tile
S_α is also eventually constant if for no other reason than that eventually you run out of points. call the resulting set T
pretty sure because T is perfect and this is a nice enough topological space T has cardinality continuum
hrmm. construct for any ordinal α S_α
S_{α+1} is S_α minus all its isolated points
S_λ is the intersection of S_α α<λ
ok i guess i'd stipulate "only exists an aperiodic tiling" (i think necessary) and "snaps on to a grid" (i suspect unnecessary) here
one quote "the tile admits uncountably many tilings": is it even possible to have a set of tiles that aperiodically tile the plane without having uncountably many tilings?
RT @cs_kaplan
In a new paper, David Smith, Joseph Myers, Chaim Goodman-Strauss and I prove that a polykite that we call "the hat" is an aperiodic monotile, AKA an einstein. We finally got down to 1! https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.10798 4/6
like the wikipedia says the main scary side effect is a 1% risk of seizures but i feel like we'll probably need like a tenth of the dose they ran the experiment on
and assuming the risk falls linearly we're in buproprion territory here
it appears the internet weirdos have not manage to quite make bicalutamide a thing, tbh i suspect googling around enzalutamide will become a thing when it comes off patent in a few years
getting real tired of the "patient says or does something i don't understand or is atypical in some way" -> "hmm clearly this means they might be confused and aren't really trans" pipeline
RT @christapeterso
Sometimes, a teenager saying they are “space gender” or “raccoon gender” could be a joke. But sometimes, it could be a genuine confusion.
newspapers should conduct more interviews like this tbh
in general im pro fewer heterodox takes on trans people by cis people and more heterodox takes on trans people by trans people
RT @JillFilipovic
Masha Gessen is brilliant and you should read this interview. https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-trans-rights
less heterodox takes about transness from cis people and more heterodox takes about transness from trans people please
i think newspapers should publish more articles like this.
RT @JillFilipovic
Masha Gessen is brilliant and you should read this interview. https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-trans-rights
and it appears since then a bunch of studies have come out and WPATH has endorsed the views of the internet weirdos and now thinks 10mg is best
tbh if i were a patient here id ask them to publicly reveal if i were on the list several years from now, and see if other people were willing to do the same
think you can identify who "isn't really trans"? well we'll see about that
RT @BusinessWaffles
This is the scandal. This is the scandal. This is the scandal
Workers at a gender clinic were keeping a spreadsheet of the clients that they thought were not really trans, and…
queering the randos in my dms asking for nudes/ randos in my dms asking for math advice binary
twitter: pawnofcthulhu