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RT @hdevalence
it’s really convenient that we don’t have a ransomware problem, because otherwise we might have to figure out why the computer security industry is unable to achieve its goals

I hate it when people describe a tradeoff between X and Y as "Either you want X, or you don't want X. But let's not pretend we can have both X and Y".

Collaborators. Can't write with them, can't write without them.

RT @s8mb
I think this is right. Political journalists are basically reporting on the everyday goings on at the Court – like a real life soap opera.

But the government is also complicit for giving briefings to political journalists and leaking to, eg, Peston, instead of science journos.

Okay, trying something weird:
Here's a zoom link. Anyone who sees this, feel free to join. (I will delete this once I'm no longer up).

If anyone is obsessed with e-ink stuff like me, you can back this cheap e-ink development board, and build your own e-reader thing.

Slowly coming to grips with the realization that a good system for making new types is way more important for me than the ability to check the types statically.

Also, "if it feels like it should work it probably does, let's run with it for now" is one of the most useful moves in math research, and this is obscured when people expend too much energy making sure never to state something (in public) without having a proof.
RT @JadeMasterMath
Most prestigious mathematicians I know are unwilling to be publicly wrong about math and will be very careful before claiming some fact. I am publicly…

That feeling when you finally finish debugging some bullshit and you can close the 9001 tabs you had open

CDC says fully vaccinated people can ignore size issues

RT @_julesh_
Major new preprint time!

“Towards foundations of categorical cybernetics” by @mattecapu, @bgavran3, @ayegill and me

It’s a bit terse because of the page limit, but I think that the thing sketched here is basically the *right* foundation

Biggest advantage of building your own desktop is that you can put it into a big black box without any stupid LEDs on it.

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God I wish gaming laptops didn't look so uniformly stupid

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a Schelling point for those who seek one