
Establish a replacement deadline; poof, no more guilt:

1. Notify whoever it is that I'm submitting to (or, to the audience waiting on it) that the thing is overdue
2. Either set my own new deadline in that notice message (if appropriate), or ask for an extension (if appropriate)
3. Your work is no longer overdue.

Pretty great video rundown of (what I think is, recently?) the most promising-looking rust web framework:


This kind of brilliantly stupid shit is what I miss from the early days of the internet


Always interesting to find people from 100 years ago who probably wouldn't seem that out of place at a modern rationalist party (for better or worse)

> cat 10-million-password-list-top-1000000.txt | awk '{print length}' | sort -h | uniq -c
851 3
26830 4
51446 5
248824 6
183917 7
305082 8
69687 9
46716 10
22495 11
15892 12
12725 13
5786 14
3811 15
2765 16
969 17
707 18
475 19
396 20
192 21
145 22
71 23
72 24
33 25
41 26
16 27
24 28
9 29
8 30
4 31
1 32
3 33
1 35
1 36
2 37
1 39

(I might start using mastodon partly as a linkblog; I like the idea of having a permanent-ish record of neat links that I might otherwise lose, since after 25 years I still don't have a good way of organizing bookmarks)

Some cool distributed systems ideas collected in the Shelter Protocol: youtube.com/watch?v=w0GQz-UF0L

A bit too blockchainy for my taste, but neat.

The shepherds of the Landes region of France traditionally used stilts ~constantly: mashable.com/feature/stilt-she

Basic guide to glycogen as a correction to naive models of weight gain/loss: dynomight.net/weight/

@johncarlosbaez I've found another video about scales. At 12:50, it lists some rules that limit the possible chord intervals. youtube.com/watch?v=Vq2xt2D3e3

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a Schelling point for those who seek one