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RT @TheCartelDel
Today I learned wtf a "Hurdy Gurdy" is.
I know Middle Age instruments demand godlike craftwork but this thing is ridiculous levels of complex. I thought I didn't like folk music, until I heard the bass drop on this Hurdy Gurdy track.

RT @thedaisyra
“It must have taken many battles to make you this gentle”
one of the most beautiful “I see you” that I have ever received 🫶🥲

RT @dissproportion
@Sunni_Labeouf @GonzaloLira1968 “She’s going to be 35 someday and then you’ll see—she’ll be filled with regret that she never dated men who used the phrase ‘the wall’. You’ll all see! Just you wait!”

RT @Havoc_Six
You may notice a lack of a certain type of tweets lately.

I won't be making any threads or sharing any images, theories, or suggestions regarding any possible

I encourage everyone else to consciously reconsider every retweet in the same vein.

Build more housing
RT @notkavi
"my house value increased" is a scam. So you bought for $500k and now it's worth $1m, but you don't actually have $500k extra, since *you need to live somewhere*.

"But I can just move into a $500k house again" no, everyone's housing prices have gone up, not just yours

Have you found any especially good comedians lately?

I'm really enjoying Taylor Tomlinson and Randy Feltface.

Murdoch paper doesn't mention Murdoch settlement for systematically lying to their marks (viewers).
RT @MayneReport
Not a single word on the $1.2 BILLION Fox defo payout on the front page of The Australian yesterday, but huge treatment on the $1.2 MILLION grant a provincial Australian premier gave to a not for profit workers Union for a training program. Perspective, anyone?

RT @doctorow
If you're angry that I gave a giant asshole $8 so I could get an "edit tweet" button, holy shit are you going to be furious when you find out where the fossil fuels that heat my house come from.

Shopping your way out of monopoly capitalism is a fool's errand.

You are not an…

RT @visakanv
many of those who accomplish the inconceivable, are cursed to die attempting the impossible

RT @Antifa_Stripper
Keep this in mind when you see people on the street. You don't normally get to witness a decline from brilliance into homelessness illustrated quite as starkly as I have with him, but each one of them has a story, and not one ever wanted to be where they ended up.

Some kinds of tweet are good for getting engagement.

Being outrageously, arrogantly wrong is easier than crafting beautifully phrased insights.
RT @Darinstrauss
@BretWeinstein @micsolana I don't like/understand this increasingly popular genre of tweet:
"My personal idiosyncrasy is not just universal, but all of the millions who claim not to share it are liars!"

RT @TarmoFella
13/ I will always raise a toast to those few men who run towards the fire, the terror, towards death, and not away from it. I commend all the women that were medics and those who help as NGO’s ill never forget the resolve and tireless work of these women.

RT @mothcamp
@gregisenberg Re: 1, inspiring YouTube comment: "Don't kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part of you that cringes."

RT @chriswaterguy
@ShitpostGate Australia has some of the best banknotes and some of the worst (heavy) coins.

The US is the reverse.

More precisely translated:

"The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear." – Antonio Gramsci

(Via Wikiquote)

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He continues: "I put forward this new idea: popular schooling should be placed under the control of the great workers’ unions. The problem of education is the most important class problem."


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a Schelling point for those who seek one