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Came across an album that seems to be a straight ripoff from other artists. No credit given. "As Black as the Depths of My Own Africa" by Ahmad Shamlu.

The first and last tracks lift from The Köln Concert by Keith Jarrett (with some rough editing). @TIDALSupport? @amazonmusic?

Something that actually lowered my opinion of Jerry springer.
RT @MdSheryl
I only agreed to go on the show because he said he’d pay us $200. He was mean on the show and kept getting the audience to yell at us, then brought out some fake psychologist.

And gave us $100 in ones. Steve guarded the door while he ran out of the building.

RT @lndian_Bronson
Hinge: "Do you like tacos?"

Keeper: "What would it take for you to kill a man?"

Break spaghetti in two.
Place in cold water in a wok.
Leave while you prepare other ingredients.
Turn on stove.

*How to drive an Italian chef insane

**Based on a true events that I witnessed

Reminds me of the time I watched my Chinese housemate eat a sandwich with chopsticks.
RT @michaelcurzi
Update: still working on this pizza. My newfound patience for my fellow man has awakened a new and exciting sense of moral superiority that I can't wait to express in new ways

RT @Katharine_Mckee
@hellolanemoore One insane morning in a mid town starbs (where the pickup wait is like 60min), they were calling out “tall blonde for Brad” & this bro did a loud “hell yeah a tall blonde for Brad” & turned to what I assume he thought would be an adoring public but it was 1000 uncaffeinated women…

The replies are amazing – didn't realise ancient musical notation was a thing.
RT @imaginmatrix
I remember once in music theory, I asked my professor what musical notation in other cultures looked like. He asked what I meant, and I was like “well, obviously we standardized this at some point— so what did sheet music look like in non-European countries?” He did not know.

> He half-jokingly said, ‘I really resent that you ladies are just after my money,’ and I half-jokingly said, ‘Dude, I don’t want this chump change, I want your fucking job.”

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” —Walt Whitman
RT @DavidSligar
👇this is the median voter (US)

RT @visakanv
some of yall should reduce your twitter usage by ~98% and instead read 100 good books and write 500,000 words of introspective journalling and then you can return with real textual finesse

RT @NaomiMc
@amore_orless @daniel_barker I remember when I used to make jokes on twitter only to have men make less good versions of the same joke back to me. Each time I imagined their female partner failing to climax.

Corporations do an extraordinary job of extracting wealth from people and nations.

Norway has done a commendable job of setting the terms for mining corporations to operate.

A client wants to switch careers from marketing technology to UX design. Will probably do a 3-month course to start, as well as a lot of personal study.

What are the standout resources for a smart young UX designer?

RT @per_anders
@therecount The AI threat is real, but the human one is more pressing. starting with a 100% tax on all direct and indirect profits from generative deep learning based AI software (to be expanded to other models as they become economic threats) which will Democratize AI and…

RT @AISafetyMemes
BREAKING: 100 IQ Man Confidently Declares What a 1 Billion IQ AI Will Do

RT @seaanome
@animalologist Just one more tab bro… I swear I will be satisfied with the quest of knowledge… just one more tab

The making of a great city: Barcelona, 1855.

Excellent thread.
RT @culturaltutor
The situation was untenable and so the government ordered the demolition of the city's walls - after years of popular demand and political wrangling.

And a competition was announced to design the vast expansion Barcelona needed, to be known as the Eixample...

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a Schelling point for those who seek one