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if bodies are six feet in the ground angels are six feet in the sky

closing my eyes and painting my eyelids with memories

i resolve to set my life forward by neutrality

i think its cool u are all out there seeking deeper forays into life & its portals / barricades

gonna go to class illegally in case theres a midterm

If you break through this most everyday of walls, the overwhelming stream of chaos will flood in. - LS, p. 103

has anyone else considered straight ELIZAing themselves and what mileage did they get out of it

i just need to wake up enough to puke my breakfast

think if i violently and wilfully try to be Normal itll work.... what we call a self fulfilling prophecy

im an adult now & i have put away childishe thinges

what people don't realize about megaman's mask was that it *was* (or at least was part of) THE battle routine, the one Lan himself sets & executes

its the same on the wired probably but more nebulous and vague, but i think theres more of a gun to your head feeling connecting with anyone irl for sure

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no one moves of their own accord; everyone pushes and pulls, is pushed and pulled; and this probably seems normal to everyone but ofc when im tripping it seems weird

i would never boost from twit.... i dont even know how. but i wouldnt :)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one