I think it's kind of a shame that personal mgmt systems seem to be packaged in 2 forms: it's either "lifehack" micro-level stuff like Pomodoro or "systemic" macro-level stuff like GTD. The micro feels like trying to survive on hors d'oeuvres, and the macro feels like being recruited into a timeshare.

I haven't looked very much into Personal Scrum or "Atomic Habits," but it seems to me a virtue if they can be tested as systems on an incremental basis.


What I'm suggesting is that there should be a gentler gradieny for adoption of some personal mgmt stuff.

Let me use one for 3 weeks to plan a kid's bday party without having to learn the arcana of the entire system.

Let me give this thing a road test without first handing over the keys to my entire life!

I think a useful approach woukd be to have a systemic backend, a recommendation engine serving up suggestions, and a lifehack-y frontend, or something like Oblique Stratagems.

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