
How old were you when you realized that the finious qualities of symbols are the only reason why humans are capable of coordinating agency beyond isolated agents in isolated contexts.

Humans emerged as a distinctive species 300k-500k years ago.

Humans started making symbols about 45k years ago.

Humans started making writing about 5k years ago.

Today humans literally are manipulating objects outside of our solar system with our symbols. Humans have begun rewriting the chemistry of life with our symbols. Humans are developing coordinated action to alter the chemistry of our planetary atmosphere through symbol-use.

The trick to how it all works, how logic works and the whole of it, is that the interpretant/translatant formally interacts with non-efficient causation. Representation works because of this. Math works because of this. Formal necessity is dragging us forward into the future through symbol-use.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one