nothing like filling out a PhD progress report while in the pits of depression

- I hate my dissertation title, I'll just change it right now, who cares, nothing matters

- "Describe any challenges you've experienced"—do you even really want to get into this with me

I'm mentally ill enough to merit a leave of absence any other year but I have to graduate in September. I just have to. there's just nothing more for me here


@elana You can do it. You seriously can. It literally just comes down to sitting in front of the screen and pushing the buttons on the keyboard. That's literally it.

@cosmiccitizen you and I are both aware that this is both true and completely not true. But thank you for trying.

@elana @cosmiccitizen You are a complete fraud. Everyone says so behind your back. Your dissertation was just welfare four a bougie kid. Ride's over bozo, get out.
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