If I'm ever going to complete a book I need to do a few things:

1. Keep training. I need to build "writing stamina"
2. Don't feel to bad about most of the work "going to waste"
3. Stop taking jobs in the summer. Summer is for writing.
4. Try to get a sabbatical in 4 years?

My only worry is that I do my best writing in little compressed periods between other obligations.

The last time I tried to "just write" for a summer it went badly. I wasted time. How to avoid that happening again?


@futurebird Short-term sprint goals may be appropriate for your style. Daily goals are sometimes too inflexible. A bigger word count over a bigger chunk of time can allow you to have some days of distraction and make up for it with bursts of productivity. But you have to fundamentally trust yourself to return to writing as a basically pleasurable activity.

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