I just took a nature-relatedness inventory and I think that this is probably my most uncommon character trait. I have demonstrated a very very low sense of relatedness to nature. I don't have anything against it but it seems like a category error to think of nature in most of the declarations supplied on the inventory. It seems like getting weepy over neon triangles or something. Nature's over there and I'm over here. I feel like I'm the only one who has his head in straight in this issue.


It's really fucking weird talking to eco people for me. Like... Do you not realize that your subjectivity is coming from inside you? There's this special constellation of nerves and anatomy that make it possible for you to use signs and that's why we're talking. There's really nothing of truth, beauty, or justice in nature per se. It merely informs human responses that expose the freedom that they bring from within.

Maybe this is where the Arendtian analysis comes in handy? Most people experience life most of the time as animal laborans, who is immersed in the cycles of nature. Even homo faber has to gradually and incrementally strive out of a naturally-informed disposition.

As *ahem* a true elite, I am one of the zoon politikon who strikes forth into the risk and self-definition of human affairs unconditioned by nature.

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